St Agnes' Care and Lifestyle - Donnelly House

Youth & Family Support

Family Support Services, provide support and skill development to young people, families and communities, helping to build family resilience via a range of home-visiting or group-program activities.

St Agnes' Care & Lifestyle

Youth & Family Support

Family Support Services

Family Support Services work closely together with vulnerable families in the Wauchope and Port Macquarie communities to deliver a range of programs which ensure children are safe, families are supported, skills are developed, and a sustainable support network is nurtured. Programs can be adapted to meet family and community needs.

Supporting Parents

Circle of Security Parenting (COS-P) is a program designed for parents and carers of children 0-12 years who want to strengthen their bond with their children and identify pathways that support the development of secure relationships now and into the future.

Tuning in to Kids Parenting teaches parents of children aged 3 to 11 years emotion coaching skills to recognise, understand and respond to their children’s emotions in an accepting and supportive way.

Stepping Stones is an individual consultation program for parents of children aged 2 to 12 years that have a developmental disability. Based on the Triple P model, Stepping Stones focuses on specific child behaviour problems and building parent skills to promote their child’s development, social competence and self-control.

Supporting Families provides support to families with children for a period of up to three months. Support may include developing skills in guiding children’s behaviour, responding to children’s emotions and addressing issues that could be impacting on the family wellbeing (for example health, relationships, parenting skills, finances, accommodation or isolation).

Supporting Children

Youth and Family Support Network facilitate a variety of children’s programs in the Hastings area that focus on current community need. Contact the office to find which programs may be accessible to your child.

Port Macquarie Youth Hub

The Youth Hub supports youth and young adults aged 12 to 25 years across the Port Macquarie-Hastings area, building their self-esteem through a platform based on friendship, health, education and community support.

The Youth Hub provides drop-in and welfare services as well as supported group programs. Sometimes live music nights are organised to give young, local musicians the opportunity to perform live for friends, family and the community.

Programs are designed to support vulnerable youth in the community by providing a connection with others, developing living skills and receiving mentorship. Programs delivered through The Youth Hub includes fitness and activity groups, homework support, food connect, health and nutrition groups and The Fathering Project, which is a support group for single dads.

The Hub’s shower and laundry facilities provide the homeless with a place to have a shower, wash their clothes and connect with the Youth Hub staff. The Youth Hub accepts all self referrals, as well as referrals through agencies like Centrelink, St Vincent De Paul, the Salvation Army and New Horizons.

The Youth Hub space is also used regularly by a variety of community groups such as ‘People Builders’ youth group, Zumba fitness, the Filipino community, Hastings Youth Network, school groups and other service providers such as Family Support Services Parents and Playgroup.

For more information, go to the Youth Hub’s website:

St Agnes' Care & Lifestyle

Community Services

How to get started with Community Services

Supporting you with greater choice and control for your life

Support for specific needs of the individual

Secure, long-term accommodation for those in need

Information on our programs and supports

Programs to support youth, families and groups

Houses within the community where participants can be supported to live as independently as possible.

Case management for treatment, care and rehabilitation