Therapy Services
The Therapy Services team continues to do assessments and provide advice for people with disabilities to support them in reducing the challenges and barriers they face in everyday life.
Occupational Therapy is an integral part of our holistic approach, which aims to support the specific needs and goals of the person concerned. Occupational Therapy services are provided to children aged 0-6 years through the Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) pathway; to children and adolescents aged 7–18 years, and to adults who have an NDIS plan.
- Children and adults with a disability are supported to engage actively and participate in their own lives to meet their goals.
Occupational Therapy supports social and emotional development and wellbeing, and assists to address trauma through sensory processing and regulation - Functional Capacity assessments to assist the person in accessing the NDIS supports they require to help them to meet their goals
Psychosocial support – assistance with managing mental health issues, emotional regulation and self-care - Equipment and aids – Our therapists assess and prescribe the most appropriate equipment and assistive technology (e.g. specialised wheelchairs), and home modifications to enable independence through access, mobility and participation in activities of daily living such as showering, dressing, meal preparation, and social activities
- Home visits are provided for people in the community and a sensory gym is available where therapy for children can be delivered in a safe and fun environment