Marjorie & Sharmain’s Technicolour Tree-coat at Emmaus
Marjorie Bailey, a resident at Emmaus on Colonel Barney Drive, and Sharmain Peterson, who is part of the Aged Care Funding Instrument (ACFI) team, have made a colourful, living art exhibition using their knitting skills to yarn-bomb some of the trees in the garden at Emmaus.
Alan Pretty, Residential Manager at Emmaus, says the Aged Care industry has faced many challenges in recent times but he never ceases to be amazed by the joy, resilience and creativity of residents and staff.
“Over the last few years there’s been a lot of change to navigate for everyone involved in Aged Care from legislation, accreditation and funding changes to Royal Commissions, and most unexpectedly in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic,” says Alan.
“Amongst it all, we’ve had some triumphs, large or small they all matter, and this one is particularly touching because it speaks to the really special bond between our residents and those who work to support them.”
“Through Marj and Sharmain’s hard work and determination, an area that was often passed by unnoticed is now admired by many,” added Alan.
An avid knitter, Marj (as she is better known,) knits the brightly coloured squares, Sharmain uses her expert skills to sew them together and then they are lovingly wrapped around the slender tree trunks, creating a real talking piece among residents and visitors, alike.
Marj, who has taken to the project with gusto, wakes early and the frantic click-clack of needles and yarn are often heard well before breakfast
Sharmain says Marj has a wonderful way of engaging everyone around her.
“Marj just envelops everyone – staff, fellow residents and visitors – into her fold, anyone with an interest in knitting or crocheting is sure to be roped in!”
“With many squares as spares, our plan is to complete the garden in colour for all to enjoy,” says Sharmain.
Marj herself is super proud of her artwork, as she should be, and she has absolutely loved being part of this creation.
“It’s a great achievement and a beautiful art piece… something worth skiting about… well done Marg, we love having you at Emmaus,” concludes Alan.
With Christmas fast approaching, plans are afoot for a crocheted Christmas tree! In true Christmas spirit. Christmas decoration working parties have commenced, which include relatives and staff, even Louise from the St Agnes’ Parish IT department, are gearing up to get involved. Skills everywhere who knew?
There is also talk of a project involving buttons but that’s a whole other story…
Footnote: If you do have any buttons you can spare, drop them into Donnelly House on the corner of Horton and Hayward Street and they will find their way to the Emmaus button project!