Legislation & Compliance
All aged care providers are required to meet government regulations and standards.
This is to protect and maintain the safety, health, wellbeing, and quality of life for people using aged care services. There is legislation to govern aged care providers and to regularly check they are compliant with these regulations and standards. These are usually checked through a mix of quality assessments, reviews and consumer feedback.
Accreditation is about ensuring aged care facilities meet a set of Standards, set by the Commonwealth Government. Qualified aged care assessors visit the home and speak with staff, management, residents and their families to determine whether the home meets all the Accreditation Standards and expected outcomes.
The Agency continues to monitor homes to ensure residents consistently receive a high level of care and that all standards continue to be met. All Residential Care services in St Agnes’ Care & Lifestyle are currently accredited.
Care Standards & Accreditation
Excellence in caring for the aged is the primary goal of St Agnes’ Care & Lifestyle, achieved through rigid adherence to the Accreditation Standards set by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing.
St Agnes’ Care & Lifestyle has a quality management system developed to guide staff in all aspects of their work. Particular emphasis is placed on the key policy areas of care procedures, quality activities, infection control and work health and safety. The application of these systems and policies by our experienced staff and high standards expected of all external specialist consultants have combined to achieve the premium standard care for which St Agnes’ Care & Lifestyle is renowned.
Certification is part of the Australian Government’s structural reforms to residential aged care in 1997. It is aimed at improving the physical quality of Australian Government funded residential aged care buildings. This includes fire safety, space requirements and privacy. All St Agnes’ Care & Lifestyle buildings have met certificate standards.
Privacy Act
The Privacy Act gives the consumer new rights in relation to how personal information is handled by many private sector organisations.
Charter of Care Recipients Rights & Responsibilities
Aged care residents and clients in the community in receipt of Australian Government funded packages have a broad number of rights and responsibilities under two Charters:
Charter of Care recipients Rights and Responsibilities
Charter of Care recipients Rights and Responsibilities for Community Care
Both documents are available from the Department of Health website www.agedcare.health.gov.au